Duurzame Technologische Innovatie op het Water

About us

Our Goals


DTIW has a number of goals and strives for them. DTIW was set up to provide students with an environment in which they can get to know themselves, develop and collaborate in an interdisciplinary manner. These are some of the topics on which the focus is within DTIW. It all started with a project by students for students, and DTIW will never let go that vision. 


DTIW is committed to motivating and encouraging both students and companies to take steps towards a green, clean future. By applying innovations within projects, we contribute to a faster implementation of greener solutions on the market. All of this by working together as a team


DTIW wants to be a contact point for the entire HZ and or companies interested in educational institutions. DTIW aims to become comprehensive within HZ. This means that contacts and connections can be made quickly with the right people. This speeds up processes within education and increases the quality of the education


DTIW is a community where students, companies and knowledge institutions find each other by collaborating in innovative water-related projects. Sharing knowledge, interdisciplinary collaboration and having fun together are central. 


A sustainable future on and in water. en in het water. 

our structure


Biobased romp

On the right is an image of a hull. This is the design of the biobased hull. This hull alone is a project within DTIW. This project will be carried out in collaboration with the Biobased construction research group and a number of companies specializing in this field. The biobased hull will eventually be called Sealander 3 and, after completion and testing, will be used as the new racing boat. With this we stimulate other racing teams to also think about the footprint in the field of material use. Most boats are made of carbon fiber. The biobased hull for our project will consist of flax and a biobased epoxy, both of which are reusable and recyclable. In this way DTIW stimulates the circular economy.

HZ Solar Boat Project

In 2009 there was an enthusiastic group of students who wanted to fill in their free credits in a special way. This eventually became the solar boat project. The aim was to promote sustainable energy, offer students the opportunity to develop themselves outside the curriculum and allow the students to work together in interdisciplinary teams

The project was successful at the time and good results were achieved during the races that were sailed with the boat. After 2011 there was less and less active work on the project with the result that the boat could no longer participate in races. There have been a number of research projects carried out by different students since 2011

In 2016 heeft een groep studenten het project weer actief opgepakt en heeft het team deelgenomen aan een race in Monaco. Het opvolgende jaar is er veel gewerkt aan de groei van het team en de ruchtbaarheid binnen de HZ. Dit heeft ervoor gezorgd dat er steeds meer draagvlak ontstaat voor dit project. Dit heeft deuren geopend naar verschillende partijen die ons graag ondersteunen in het project. Uiteindelijk zijn er in 2018 ook vier races gevaren die meetellen voor het World Cup Solarboat Racing. Hierbij is de HZ Solarboat in het wereldklassement staat de HZ Solarboat op een 8e plaats geëindigd van de 22 deelnemers in haar klasse.

H2 boot

DTIW focuses on the SDG. SDG stands for sustainable development goals. These goals focus on 17 topics. Some of these topics recur within DTIW sustainable development goals. In deze goals worden wordt de focus gelegd op 17 onderwerpen. Enkele van deze onderwerpen komen terug binnen DTIW.

The H2 boat is one of them. SDG 4 (Quality education) and 7 (Affordable and sustainable energy) are examples to which this project contributes.

In collaboration with the Delta Power research group, the Engineering program (project within curriculum) and the deployment of the first boat, Sealander, a boat is being realized with an H2-cell as energy source.


The sensor drone was set up a few years ago as a project by the Smart Sensoring in Deltaic Systems research group. The sensor drone performs measurements on different waters to collect data about the surroundings and the environment at a particular location.

More than 35 students have already contributed to this project. This could be achieved by setting up a minor. Students work on the project for 6 months, conduct research, and then realize a design. This is how the sensor drone is constructed

DTIW contributes to some of the underlying organization and cooperation with the lecturer Robert Trouw Borst. Together we also write the subsidy application for the community and we ensure knowledge exchange and connections. Partly due to the setting up of DTIW and the expansion of the community, a project such as the sensor drone is also gaining more support and awareness.


Batterijen Solarboat

14 juni 2021 – In de afgelopen weken is er hard gewerkt aan batterijen voor de solarboat. Zie het voorproefje hiernaast! 
